My Favorite App(For Mac)
Adium——It is a chatting application. Combined most chat tools, such as MSN, QQ, ICQ, etc. And it is FREE.
Download Adium 1.0.1
Backup——App for backup, product by Apple. , Backup 3.1 [UBK].zip(cracker)
BitRocket——Bittorrent Client for Mac. This app is the greatest tool I use in Mac OS, compared with Xtorrent, Bitwheel, Azureus, etc. FREE
Download Beta 0.1(25)
Chmox——Read your CHM documents on your Mac. FREE
Chmox 0.3 (251K)
Cocoacash——Manage your personal finance - the Mac way. FREE
CoCoaCash download
Firefox——The most popular browser, and the assisted app for safari. FREE
Download Firefox - Free for Mac OS X, English (18MB)
iGetter——My favorite download app.
iGetter2.5(k).zip(app & cracker)
iSerial Reader——Useful App for searching SN. FREE
Dreamweaver 8——Good stuff for webmaster.
Mdict——The most fabulous dictionary for mac users. FREE
NoteBook——Write your own article. It is pretty good.
Download Page(contain cracker)
Pandora——Searching pictures as more as you can.
download , How2crack
Pandoraman——Little app for listening music on Pandora.
Pathway——Your own Wiki library.
Tips: If you can not link to wiki.en, try to modify search engine as

Mplayer——The most popular media player for Mac OS.
Tips: If you wanna open real format file, such as rm, rmvb, mkv, etc, you need to download decode package.

Picasa Web Album Uploader——Application for upload pictures to Google Album.

Quicksilver——Good stuff for finding anything you want quickly.

Rapidweaver——Application for building webpage.
Download Page

Realplayer——Most popular media player for Mac OS.

Screen Mimic——Recording your desktop, export the movie to flash and quicktime format.
Name: The Blade

Skype——Global Voice&Video Chat Application for Mac OS.

Snapz Pro X——

Stuffle Standard 9——Although it is the old version application for expand packed files, but it is enough.

Writeroom——Writing in the dark background, feeling good.
Download Page

Yojimbo——Something like your Notebook or Diary. There is another one familiar with this, named Journler.
Download Page

Yummy FTP——FTP client tool. I try a lot of FTP tools before, and finally choose this one.

VLC——Most popular media player for Mac OS.

Windows Media Player——Most popular Media Player for Mac OS.
2010年9月13日星期一 GMT-7 13:24:00
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